Most of our community lies within the International Dark Sky Reserve of The Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. Awarded this status in 2013, our rural landscape offers excellent planetary viewing and stargazing. On nights when the moon is bright you can watch it rise over the welsh hills, when it's dim, you have amazing views of the milky way! Most of our residents are aware of th e negative affects light pollution can have on our nocturnal fauna (bats, owls and otters to name a few). These beloved creatures are carefully considered with all planning applications within the park.
Here are some things you can do to help keep our skies dark (and bright!) for future generations: 1. Switch off your lights (dark skies lower your electric bill) 2. Close your curtains 3. Use motion-sensitive safety lights (if you really need to) 4. Use warm lighting (avoid white and blue and point lighting down) 5. Talk to your neighbours (they may have no idea)