Accessibility of this Website
Accessibility means more than putting things online. It means making your content and design clear and simple enough so that most people can use it without needing to adapt it, while supporting those who do need to adapt things.
Everyone should be to be able to access the information our website provides.
You should be able to:
Enlarge all copy up to 300%
Easily navigate most of the site with a keyboard
Easily navigate most of the site using speech recognition software
Easily listen to most of the site using a screen reader
If you need advice for your device please visit AbilityNet for recommendations.
If you require information from our website in a different format please contact
our clerk here.
In order for us to better meet your needs, please let us know the alternative format you would like to receive (large print pdf etc.) If you use any assistive technology please let us know. We will get back to you within 15 working days.
Enforcement procedure
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector BodiesWebsites and Mobile Applications Accessibility Regulations 2018. If you are not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service.
Accessibility means more than putting things online. It means making your content and design clear and simple enough so that most people can use it without needing to adapt it, while supporting those who do need to adapt things.
Everyone should be to be able to access the information our website provides.
You should be able to:
Enlarge all copy up to 300%
Easily navigate most of the site with a keyboard
Easily navigate most of the site using speech recognition software
Easily listen to most of the site using a screen reader
If you need advice for your device please visit AbilityNet for recommendations.
If you require information from our website in a different format please contact
our clerk here.
In order for us to better meet your needs, please let us know the alternative format you would like to receive (large print pdf etc.) If you use any assistive technology please let us know. We will get back to you within 15 working days.
Enforcement procedure
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector BodiesWebsites and Mobile Applications Accessibility Regulations 2018. If you are not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service.